Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Analysation of Charli XCX and Secrets and Lies

Charli XCX - Break the rules

In Charli XCX - break the rules video she wears very little clothing, i think this is because she is singing about breaking rules and behaving badly which is what she is doing in the video. She attracts a lot of attention because she is heavily made up and has her body out an example of this is when she walks into the shop and the old man at the desk stares at her inappropriately.

This video is very fast paced and each camera angle or shot only lasts for a couple of seconds this is to make it feel like a more fast, upbeat part song that you would generally dance to. There is a few low angle shots, this makes us feel that she is very important and she is in control and a powerful woman because we are looking up to her. There is also a few closeup shots of her face with a big smile showing how she is happy and enjoying herself. When the girls walk into the party there was a crane shot moving from the floor all the way to their heads, this is to show how they are in power. There are a lot of extreme long shots in this music video to show all the surroundings and the action and to show the audience what is going on and give more of an atmosphere. The party and school bus with graffiti written on it gives more of a meaning to the words because she is dancing on top of the school bus showing that she owns the place and she doesn't care about breaking the rules and doing her own thing.

All the sound in the music video is non-digetic because it is put in afterwards. Although we are made to feel like the people in this video can hear it and they are dancing and partying along with the music although they actually can't hear anything.

The parts that are filmed outside like at the start of the clip and when she is dancing on top of the bus all have natural lighting to make it seem more realistic and relatable, however in the party bits on the video the lighting is quite dark and they have probably used artificial lighting to do this. It also looks like they have used a subtle spotlight on Charli XCX to show that she is the main person in this video and our eyes should be on her because of the extra lighting it allows us to be able to see her facial expressions which is always very happy.

Secrets and lies

Secrets and lies episode 1 

At the start of this episode we see a man clearly in danger as he is running away from something or someone, it is quite dark as it looks late at night i think they have filmed it at this time so that it has a more dark and gloomy feel. As he runs past a sign for the place he is going it tops and zooms into the sign, this must mean it is relevant to the programme, it is called 'blackwood cres.' They might have used the word 'black' to foreshadow the dark gloomy events that might happen later in the programme. We next find out that a child has dies and the man we see running is going home to get a phone and get help.

There are close ups of the mans face to show his pain and distress to show the audience that something is wrong. There are lots of long shots, this is to show the surroundings as well as the man, this creates more tension and sets the scene, it makes us feel more included and involved in the story.

There is lots of non-digetic sounds such as the constant music in the background, this creates tension because the music is very fast paced. There is also some digetic sound such as the man screaming 'help' and when he comes into the house.

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