Analysing questionnaire results
The majority of the people who answered this questionnaire, over 50%, are aged between 16-19 so i need to bare this in mind when writing articles for the magazine because if its something that wouldn't appeal to this age group then it wouldn't be something they would be willing to use and read. Also i would need to use advertising from brands they would buy instead of for example advertising Marks and Spencers as this shop is targeted at older people. Alyhough it needs to still have adult elements included like fitness and how to tone up even for older women because there is still roughly 15% who are 45 and over who have answered this questionnaire.
Around 10% more females than males have answered this questionnaire proving that more women are interested in this tan men, this means i will need to target this magazine at females. By doing this i will need to include things in my magazine such as beauty and fashion related items because generally this is what women especially younger females of around 20 are interested in because they want to look good.
For my magazine i need to mainly concentrate on how the main image looks because according to the results of my questionnaire around 85% of people are most intrigued to a magazine from the main image. The better my image is then the more popular my magazine will be because thats what draws in an audience the most. Also i need to create interesting cover lines because over 10% have said that this is what intrigues them most and if people do not find the cover lines interesting then then are significantly less likely to buy this magazine or find it remotely interesting which is not what i want in my magazine.
Most people have said that in a magazine they are mostly interested in fashion, then fitness, then beauty and then cars so because fashion beauty and fitness all compliment each other will and they are also the top three things people want in a magazine then this is what i will include in my own magazine so that people are genuinely interested in my magazine.
Nearly 60% said that they would pay £2-£4 for a magazine, so i would roughly price my high end magazine at around £4 and my lower end one at around £2 per copy.
Most people who answered this survey said that they would mostly shop at River Island and Topshop this means that i would use a lot of advertising from these two shops and use this sort of clothing because this is what my audience like.
A lot of people answered that they usually read Vogue so because of these results i would set my high end magazine up like how Vogue do it, very simple and sophisticated. However i would do my low end magazine a lot cheaper and cluttered looking.