Friday, 6 February 2015

Analysis of 'this girl can' video

The women in this video aren't being objectified/sexualised, they are showing how women can be independent, powerful and determinated whilst being sexy and beautiful. there are lots of different types of women featured in this video, different sizes, ages and ethnicity, showing that all women can do this. there is both digetic and non digetic sound in this video. the digetic sound is the breathing from the women doing exercise this shows us that they are working hard and not living up to the medias representations of women being a 'damsel in distress'. the non digetic sound is the music being played from missy elliot, one of the main lyrics from this song is 'get your freak on' which shows how they are doing something different, it is also a very fast pace, upbeat song which will get you up and moving around. there are lots of different camera shot likes an establishing shot, an example of this type of camera shot is when there is a woman running by herself on a field and even when she gets really tired and stops she still carries on, this shows how powerful, independent and determinated she is. The women are all participating in a dance called 'zumba' which gets you fit whilst having fun, i think they have chosen to do this because they are trying to show how as well as getting fit and healthy you can also have fun doing it which is the same idea as when the women are playing netball. This video is very positive because it shows women in a different way and that women are actually people and not just something for men to look at.

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